Has anyone ever wondered what it is like here in the Middle East? Has anyone ever watched "Aladdin" or some such similar film and said "Wow, that part of the world must be BEAUTIFUL! I wanna see!" Well, here is your chance to experience Kuwait in all of its glory.
1. Get in your car.
2. Drive to the nearest playground where you can find a sandbox. If you can't find a sandbox, drive to the beach. If there is no beach nearby, just find some freaking sand.
3. Get out of your car. Leave it running.
4. Gather a handful of sand.
5. Lay down next to your car's exhaust pipe. Breathe the fumes. Enjoy them.
6. Stick your face right into the exhaust. Feel the blowing heat. Love it.
7. With your eyes open and the exhaust still blowing on your face, throw the handful of sand directly into your eyes. Do not close your eyes. You must pretend you didn't know the sand was coming. Its all part of the game. If you close them, you're cheating.
8. Blink, then repeat the sand throwing part again.
Congratulations! You have now been to beautiful and magnificent Kuwait!
...Don't you want to stay home now? Speaking of "home," the on-going countdown is around 70 days now. 70 days until I can enjoy sex, beer, and sex again. Did I say sex twice? Perhaps because I REALLY MISS IT?
1. Get in your car.
2. Drive to the nearest playground where you can find a sandbox. If you can't find a sandbox, drive to the beach. If there is no beach nearby, just find some freaking sand.
3. Get out of your car. Leave it running.
4. Gather a handful of sand.
5. Lay down next to your car's exhaust pipe. Breathe the fumes. Enjoy them.
6. Stick your face right into the exhaust. Feel the blowing heat. Love it.
7. With your eyes open and the exhaust still blowing on your face, throw the handful of sand directly into your eyes. Do not close your eyes. You must pretend you didn't know the sand was coming. Its all part of the game. If you close them, you're cheating.
8. Blink, then repeat the sand throwing part again.
Congratulations! You have now been to beautiful and magnificent Kuwait!
...Don't you want to stay home now? Speaking of "home," the on-going countdown is around 70 days now. 70 days until I can enjoy sex, beer, and sex again. Did I say sex twice? Perhaps because I REALLY MISS IT?
Get your relief yet?
Well, I didn't kick them in the ass... I never actually met anyone, but I do PT by their company area and DID give the building the finger a couple of times.....