Random post time...
I got bored. What does a guy do when he gets bored in Kuwait? Stuck on a U.S. military post with no way off? And 60 hours to kill until he needs to be back at work again? Well... He goes to the video "rental" shop and grabs the third season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. (I say "rental" because I don't actually have to pay for it. Its more like "borrow" than "rent.") Why? Because he wants to finish it off before he watches season four. Duh. Besides, it was that or "Felicity." Or perhaps "The O.C." And thats just not my cup of tea.
Earl grey is. HA!!!! (Captain Picard reference, damn you.)
I simply can't get past the fact that Wil Wheaton was in his teens when that series was on the air, and now he is a thirty-something columnist for SuicideGirls.com. Little Wesley Crusher, all grown up. And working with some that are not quite as "clean cut" as those in "the Federation" were, no less. FREAKING ODD! Oh well. At least he is a happy fellow. I assume. I am rediculously jealous that he got to work with a man like Patrick Stewart. If only I could pick his brain for just a minute about that experience...
So I go back to watching season three of ST:TNG. Maybe I ought to read a few of his tech review articles and see if I might pick up on any Klingon references... Hmm...
I got bored. What does a guy do when he gets bored in Kuwait? Stuck on a U.S. military post with no way off? And 60 hours to kill until he needs to be back at work again? Well... He goes to the video "rental" shop and grabs the third season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. (I say "rental" because I don't actually have to pay for it. Its more like "borrow" than "rent.") Why? Because he wants to finish it off before he watches season four. Duh. Besides, it was that or "Felicity." Or perhaps "The O.C." And thats just not my cup of tea.
Earl grey is. HA!!!! (Captain Picard reference, damn you.)
I simply can't get past the fact that Wil Wheaton was in his teens when that series was on the air, and now he is a thirty-something columnist for SuicideGirls.com. Little Wesley Crusher, all grown up. And working with some that are not quite as "clean cut" as those in "the Federation" were, no less. FREAKING ODD! Oh well. At least he is a happy fellow. I assume. I am rediculously jealous that he got to work with a man like Patrick Stewart. If only I could pick his brain for just a minute about that experience...
So I go back to watching season three of ST:TNG. Maybe I ought to read a few of his tech review articles and see if I might pick up on any Klingon references... Hmm...
hey u whats new??? i hope things are well!!!
im glad things are ok...3 months that sucks dude...mmmmmmmmm sushi...sorry i love it