For the first time, in quite a while, I feel really good this morning.
Do you know that feeling sometimes when you first open your eyes in the morning feeling all bright eyed and bushy tailed?
I usually have to make several attempts to get up which gets me to my hands and knees, but I usually collapse again......then I'll crawl into the bathtub, turn on the shower and just let the cold, hard, pounding water shock the hell out of me, until...I'm up.
On another you think sex can become a real addiction? I saw an ad for a sexaholics group meeting, I wonder how that is treated....??......Maybe i'll start going to the meetings just out of curiousity.....or maybe I just really need to get some help for my problem.......
Ok you crazy cats......have a beautiful day.

For the first time, in quite a while, I feel really good this morning.
Do you know that feeling sometimes when you first open your eyes in the morning feeling all bright eyed and bushy tailed?
I usually have to make several attempts to get up which gets me to my hands and knees, but I usually collapse again......then I'll crawl into the bathtub, turn on the shower and just let the cold, hard, pounding water shock the hell out of me, until...I'm up.
On another you think sex can become a real addiction? I saw an ad for a sexaholics group meeting, I wonder how that is treated....??......Maybe i'll start going to the meetings just out of curiousity.....or maybe I just really need to get some help for my problem.......
Ok you crazy cats......have a beautiful day.
As far as "This is the day", I had a more productive Monday than I've had in months. Must be going around. The extra daylight doesn't hurt. Maybe we are finally adjusting to Daylight Savings Time and this is the first Monday in a month our bodies haven't been screaming that we're getting up an hour too early.