Suddenly work has gotten a little away from me. I think its time to buckle down and get cracking. Time to go all hermit for the next few days i think. However SG will remain on my list of acceptable distractions.

So my grandfather has asked me to read a letter he wrote to my grandmother at her funeral on Friday. Thats going to be...
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good luck. Even if you can't finish the letter at least you tried and people will understand. So will your grandfather.
Thanks a mill. Yeah gonna be tough but he asked me for a reason and i guess i feel really honoured that he would ask me. Anyways...will do the best i can.

The way thigs go sometimes wink
Today i lost my grandmother. She was an inspiration and an amazing person who achieved a lot, in fact probably more than most, with her time here. The words "practice makes perfect" will forever be drilled into my memory from all the times she would use them to pick me up when i was down about my work, art or life in general. Gran you...
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awee, my condolences. May she RIP
Thanks Ladies. Appreciate the sentiment.
I need to travel soon. Im hitting the big 30 very very soon and I've never left the damn country hahahah but as always that evil little thing called money dictates life and the fact that work is the only way to attain it makes this a horrible catch 22. I have decided that i will definitely be doing Afrikaburn next year in May however...
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Ever get the feeling that you are suddenly, completely ad utterly alone in the world? Well if you have you'll know exactly what i mean when i say I am kind of having one of those moments.

Hopefully this too shall pass.... All kinds of LC at the moment. Hahahah
we all have been there! try to get some sunlight or a bar of chocolate! it will help you through the day and lift your mood slightly

Thanks Sugar smile I know... Kind of used to these moments. Not much you can do sept keep on smiling and carry on trucking as they say... biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin hugs
Is it me... or has the world gone fucking bonkers in the last two weeks. Insomnia is not for the faint of heart i tell you. End of another week and i guess its time to start taking a look at what needs to be done in the coming week and preparing. Guess there could be a lot of things to do on a sunday...
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Been a tough week. Think its time for some change... Instead of the beer, im onto the whiskeys and water... dusting off my trainers and putting a plan together to save to do some travelling... Time to get my A into G! BOOM!
Dig the profile pic biggrin
Hahahahah thanks... Every artist should do a selfportrait of some kind somewhere along the line wink
Thursday Seuss inspiration...

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...
Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!

He has a way of getting my A into G through plain perspective.
Monday Monday... Jeesh... Word to the wise. Bush diving with your car is a bad idea in any language. Seems it never rains but it pours. Think its time i went on a holiday.... Garfield was right... Who needs Mondays!
Hahahah just saw this comment now... Yeah ...gotta have Yoda in my tat... he changed the way i looked at imagination and being creative. Favourite character of all time!
Just some randoms
Just looking to find people i can relate with and broaden my horizons.