Returning to work sucks. Especially when you've been off for close to 10 straight days. It takes a while to get back into the swing of things and everyone asking me if I feel better is just a repeat performance of an already memorized "Yeah, I feel better now.". At least they care enough to ask. I'm on a diet and I don't wanna follow...
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yeah, i have a hard time returning to work after just one day off. (which i why i am so anal about working a straight 7 day week)

you seem like a nice guy. smile
I have myself down as a friend. Haha! I'm a dork.
You work 7 days straight? That's dedication!

[Edited on Jan 05, 2003]
My first journal. Sweet.
Last night was pretty crazy for me, it being new years eve and all. Lane (My girlfriend), Tim (One of my best friends), and I drove down to Milwaukee to attend a punk show/party. I had a good time exchanging good words with the people I love, and seeing great bands like Ifihadahifi, Win Dynasty, and Death and Taxes. I got...
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You cannot add me as a friend, as I am a girl!
Ahh, so just other members I can add as friends. Gotcha. Fair enough.