So I finally got to make it out of the house this weekend. Was invited to a pool party
and had a blast. The beer flowed like wine, and the pot was the stickiest of the icky. And I was the only girl there which made it 100% times better.... oh wait except all 7 other guys there were GAY lol.
Once the sun went down every dude ended up in their skimpy little boxer briefs, I felt like a kid in a candy store.
Only bad part was I think I was out in the sun too long. By the end of the night I was feeling like I wanted to vomit and it was definately time to go home. Hope I didn't miss too much excitement !!

Once the sun went down every dude ended up in their skimpy little boxer briefs, I felt like a kid in a candy store.
Only bad part was I think I was out in the sun too long. By the end of the night I was feeling like I wanted to vomit and it was definately time to go home. Hope I didn't miss too much excitement !!

Well, gay guys are great company, that's a fact.
Don't worry, you'll make it out to one of our events. Where the guys will want your number