So anyone that's read stuff about me knows I work in streams/river with fish. So, I figured I'd update my stuff finally with some pictures of my adventures in the field and some related to fishing. These are in creeks on the Chattahoochee River, Sipsey River below Bankhead National Forest, and elsewhere. I'm about 7 months from defending my thesis on Shoal Bass habitat use/availability and right now I'm in the data analysis/writing phase. Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I enjoy seeing the lovely ladies of SG.
Here's a pic of my Husky Blue (for his blue eyes) to begin with:
These first 6 are from the Sipsey River (the water is high at this point it's normally a bit lower, but there are trees that are normally in the middle of the main channel
The white flowers hanging over the rocky banks are native Piedmont Azaleas that bloom in April and where these were taken this river has thousands of these azaleas.
These trees are in the main channel. This river has oxbows that over time get cut off from the main channel as different routes are formed and eventually sand deposits enough for vegetation to form creating a different route in the channel. This area of Alabama is considered a part of the coastal plains even for as far away from the coast as it is.
This is a shoal at the town of Riverview on the Chattahoochee River
This is a 7-8 lb Striped Bass caught on Chattahoochee River in the riverview shoals.
This is a huge shoal that splits Mulberry Creek (trib to Chattahoochee River) into 3 falls with 2 islands in the middle.
This is a Hybrid Striped Bass caught at Riverview shoals on the Chattahoochee River. Hybrids have several broken stripes (dark horizontal stripes) and regular Striped Bass don't
The last 4 are shoals on the Mulberry Creek, a tributary of the Chattahoochee River.