So I don't 'blog' often sorry. I'm down on Lake Seminole again tracking Alabama Shad for a Georgia DNR funded project. Basically the fish get shocked with an electrofishing boat that stuns them long enough to net them out of the water, and then sonic radio tags get implanted through their mouth into their stomachs. Each tag has a specific frequency that transmits over a long range. Those fish then get tracked daily on a boat with a receiver that picks up the beeps from the tags. The reason for this study is to determine where these threatened fish go to spawn (screw) in the rivers above the dam that blocks their travel normally. So they do what's called conservation lockings where the fish get attracted to the lock (ship passage area through a dam) and get through. It's been a rough spawning year and the fish have all but dissappeared , but when I am done with it this time around I'll be starting my Master's work back in Auburn playing with bass in the Chattahoochee River!
Still having friend zone issues with this wonderful woman who loves the same things as I do and works with fish aswell. We can drink and talk all night long and listen to great music together, but I can't seem to get past being her good friend. I know I'm not the leanest man in the world, but I'm likely one of the nicest and most considerate. My weight isn't huge as I'm only about 35 over what I probably should be.
This site is awesome for the great diversity of beautiful people who like and care for such a variety of different things.Here's a picture of me from last year doing the same thing
Here's a picture in the same area with my decent canon PS SX10 IS. My hobby has been nature photography for some time and I would one day love to have an awesome DSLR, but grad students don't make the big bucks.
Still having friend zone issues with this wonderful woman who loves the same things as I do and works with fish aswell. We can drink and talk all night long and listen to great music together, but I can't seem to get past being her good friend. I know I'm not the leanest man in the world, but I'm likely one of the nicest and most considerate. My weight isn't huge as I'm only about 35 over what I probably should be.
This site is awesome for the great diversity of beautiful people who like and care for such a variety of different things.Here's a picture of me from last year doing the same thing
Here's a picture in the same area with my decent canon PS SX10 IS. My hobby has been nature photography for some time and I would one day love to have an awesome DSLR, but grad students don't make the big bucks.
Cool, I studied a lot of stuff like this in college. Didn't get to do any actual electrofishing though
That's the best part! Nah really I just enjoy being outside everyday.