Kayak Fishing West Georgia with a finish at the Mulberry Falls area of Georgia. This is one of the study creeks for my thesis research.
He's a bundle of joy and super fluffy.
)) He looks quite satisfied
So anyone that's read stuff about me knows I work in streams/river with fish. So, I figured I'd update my stuff finally with some pictures of my adventures in the field and some related to fishing. These are in creeks on the Chattahoochee River, Sipsey River below Bankhead National Forest, and elsewhere. I'm about 7 months from defending my thesis on Shoal Bass habitat use/availability...
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Nature, people, buildings, events, work. Some from phone.
Beautiful photos ♡
My video from my windows phone of a lightning show from a passing lightning storm last week: I enjoy watching this in 1080p with the lights off and the sound up. The only words I said were near the end and even though I'm not religious I said JC and damn. Best strike is just after the 3 minute mark. You can hear frogs and...
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Well it's me and my identical twin brothers' 30th birthday today 6/9/83. I went to Gulf Shores, AL with the intent of fishing for red snapper, but mother nature decided at the last minute to throw a thunderstorm our way Sunday and negate the fishing part.
We went to Flora-Bama the famous bar, and to the beach near The Hangout and drank tons and played...
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We went to Flora-Bama the famous bar, and to the beach near The Hangout and drank tons and played...
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So I don't 'blog' often sorry. I'm down on Lake Seminole again tracking Alabama Shad for a Georgia DNR funded project. Basically the fish get shocked with an electrofishing boat that stuns them long enough to net them out of the water, and then sonic radio tags get implanted through their mouth into their stomachs. Each tag has a specific frequency that transmits over a...
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Cool, I studied a lot of stuff like this in college. Didn't get to do any actual electrofishing though
That's the best part! Nah really I just enjoy being outside everyday.

So it's been awhile since I put anything up, but here's an update:
I'm a fish biologist in Auburn, AL. I've been working lately on a lake in Northern Alabama called Lake Guntersville doing an economic survey of boat anglers asking what they caught and how much they spent, and where they're coming from. Starting grad School in May working on habitat study with Shoal...
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I'm a fish biologist in Auburn, AL. I've been working lately on a lake in Northern Alabama called Lake Guntersville doing an economic survey of boat anglers asking what they caught and how much they spent, and where they're coming from. Starting grad School in May working on habitat study with Shoal...
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