I am alive...just tired from the last week, and trying to enjoy the summer at the same time...I have decided to remove some of my stink water lines from my skin, and replace the with the beauty that they were once meant to be...don't touch my skin with a laser though "tisk tisk" I sa y, and will use a salt to fade most away...I have 18 at present which is a number that not all can bost, but if you don't love then you can't keep them...it's like a relationship that just won't end no matter how hard you try, there are memories attached, and feelings, but hurt and dismay only seem to catch up faster and faster....I will watch them fade like cardboard bleached in the sun and rain over the weeks to come.
A fresh start on not so fresh meat, a new needle, a new hand, and a new glow...these ones to keep...It gives me the feeling that we were all wrong about those "you should wait till you are older, or you may regret it" Those comments might have been partially true....an oxymoron perhaps when I say that there is no regret, just the need for beauty to be what it was supposed to be some years ago.
Suprisingly I may go from 18 to 5 and then back up again...some are pictures of emotions I still want to convey, but I have gotten stronger, and so must they!
Now you see them, now you don't
A fresh start on not so fresh meat, a new needle, a new hand, and a new glow...these ones to keep...It gives me the feeling that we were all wrong about those "you should wait till you are older, or you may regret it" Those comments might have been partially true....an oxymoron perhaps when I say that there is no regret, just the need for beauty to be what it was supposed to be some years ago.
Suprisingly I may go from 18 to 5 and then back up again...some are pictures of emotions I still want to convey, but I have gotten stronger, and so must they!
Now you see them, now you don't

Nice to hear from you, your going to like TDR, you are not going to believe how long it took me to figure out what that was, yes I'm a loser. Take it easy and remember........ YOU ROCK

Nice to hear from you, your going to like TDR, you are not going to believe how long it took me to figure out what that was, yes I'm a loser. Take it easy and remember........ YOU ROCK