Sunday Jul 10, 2005 Jul 10, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 13 of 13 COMMENTS nerotica: Bam...thats a bright ass profile pic...can't see that sexy lady standing back there as much....still hott lady...hope your weekend was bitchen...till later sweetness... Jul 11, 2005 saucissedanseuse: oh,. i am doing fine, thanks for asking. i am always living on a roll, as you can see in my latest journal entry but,uhm,net week i have an university exam,bet that then i'll fall off the roll and get a bit sad. no,no.gotta be positive.i can pass it. i can. ciao! p. ps: great profile pic,just as usual. Jul 11, 2005
i am always living on a roll, as you can see in my latest journal entry
but,uhm,net week i have an university exam,bet that then i'll fall off the roll and get a bit sad.
no,no.gotta be positive.i can pass it. i can.
ps: great profile pic,just as usual.