Only three more days until I move to my new house! YIPPY!
We are renovating the shop right now so that I get my own studio room , and today consists of removeing caprpet and filling holes in the floor so I can lay some tiles
You know, not everyone like manual
I am at the library right now, and the hot librarian that I talk about before came waltzing up to me to tell me that she took the time to look up and order in some erotic novels for me
That was super sweet of her, and i am thinking that it might show that she has some interest, even if it's on a friendship basis. She knows that I am intersted not only in men, but females as well.
I want to ask her on a date something fierce, but I am so bad at asking girls out
Any tips for me? I am super sexual, but I don't want to freak the poor women out.
I got over $100 bucks in new book this weekend. I managed to get my hands on some new press Hunter.S.Thompson, a really funny book called "the Goth Bible", and some comics. I love Lenore
The other one I got was the first graphic novel of Sin City by Frank Miller. I am so stoked to see that movie when it comes out
That and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I love Tim Burton
Love, Love, Love, yeah that's right baby!
Anywho, I am off to the races. Cheers peeps!
We are renovating the shop right now so that I get my own studio room , and today consists of removeing caprpet and filling holes in the floor so I can lay some tiles
I am at the library right now, and the hot librarian that I talk about before came waltzing up to me to tell me that she took the time to look up and order in some erotic novels for me
I want to ask her on a date something fierce, but I am so bad at asking girls out
I got over $100 bucks in new book this weekend. I managed to get my hands on some new press Hunter.S.Thompson, a really funny book called "the Goth Bible", and some comics. I love Lenore
Anywho, I am off to the races. Cheers peeps!
sin city does look good. so many of the "comic" movies that have been done were completely changed, so it's nice to see one that actually has the feel of the book.
glad to hear you got l;ots of mini eggs. i had a friend hide some eggs for me outside my house. he's such a sweetie.
talk to you soon.