Weeeeee, my wisdom teeth are out!
I feel so much better than before. I started smoking pot again though, but it sure as shit helped with the pain
I am doing a new set in early March to resubmit, so wish me luck. I was thinking some dead doll shots.
Got some sweet spring wears today, and picked up the new tattoo mag. I guy in town that I have met through promo work, is spinning tonight at the Cambie. I am thinkin' I might grab some of the girls, and head out to check it. Other than that there isn't much shakin' in this one horse town, so we are going to have to make our own.

Got some sweet spring wears today, and picked up the new tattoo mag. I guy in town that I have met through promo work, is spinning tonight at the Cambie. I am thinkin' I might grab some of the girls, and head out to check it. Other than that there isn't much shakin' in this one horse town, so we are going to have to make our own.

pot sounds so good right now.