Another Day,Another Bastard
On Christmas Eve, I had optimistically assumed that all customers would be full of the milk of human kindness, wishing goodwill to all men etc. But I was wrong.
In the morning, I got Mr Bastard on the phone. Did he ask for any help? No. Did he have anything constructive to say? No. He rang up purely to be unpleasant, malicious and sarcastic. After about 20 minutes I had had enough,told him I couldn't help him and would he like to speak to a Manager? So, I went on my break and was told by the unfortunate soul who spoke to him next that Mr B had put the phone down on him. So, he got precisely what he deserved for being a tw*t. Nothing.
This morning (3 January) it was the turn of Mr Bastard 2. After he said he didn't "Give a sod" about my explanation and said we were a "shit" company I asked him to stop swearing, which pulled him up short. The conversation lasted another 30 seconds.
Sometimes I get utterly pissed off with this job.
On Christmas Eve, I had optimistically assumed that all customers would be full of the milk of human kindness, wishing goodwill to all men etc. But I was wrong.
In the morning, I got Mr Bastard on the phone. Did he ask for any help? No. Did he have anything constructive to say? No. He rang up purely to be unpleasant, malicious and sarcastic. After about 20 minutes I had had enough,told him I couldn't help him and would he like to speak to a Manager? So, I went on my break and was told by the unfortunate soul who spoke to him next that Mr B had put the phone down on him. So, he got precisely what he deserved for being a tw*t. Nothing.
This morning (3 January) it was the turn of Mr Bastard 2. After he said he didn't "Give a sod" about my explanation and said we were a "shit" company I asked him to stop swearing, which pulled him up short. The conversation lasted another 30 seconds.
Sometimes I get utterly pissed off with this job.

Happier than you could imagine!
Also, NO, I'm not really a moody person but the past few months have been hard for me.