Alright... Not much going on in the life of Phil. I still haven't seen Hellboy, which is pissin' me off. Also, I'm waiting for a USB keyboard so I can play FFXI, and the wait is starting to kill me.
you smushed your face in my boobies. hehe.
well, I didn't get to see Roby naked after all, but no big loss. To be honest, it really didn't matter to me, I was more worried about being professional and doing my job. The filming for Anna's film class went really well, at least the part we got done. We only got about half finished when we were forced to pack up because of...
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hahaha. it was nice meeting you. thanks for letting me read your trigun love and shhh! my real name's sposta be a secret on this thing, so i'm "roby" from now on, k?
s'ok! it happens and i'm not being stalked yet! haha. you rock!
Woo! I get to be the lighting bitch for a SG filming! This weekend is gonna fucking rock! And no, i'm not excited just because I get to see an insanely hot girl nekkid.
ha, thats pretty cool... sounds like fun kiss
Well, Easter's over and I did indeed get my Final Fantasy XI! But, on the downside, there's something incompatable with my PS2 and the building's internet. I'm gonna call a whole mess of people tomorrow and figure this shit out. If it turns out that I can't play here, someone's getting a whuppin.
well, looks like I'm going home this weekend. No wild parties for Phil this weekend. That is unless I can convince Sunny and Jessie to come out to Madison with me saturday night. ARRR!!!
happy easter! bet you are home playing final fantasy or something like that... hope you're having fun hon... kiss
man.. I'm really having mixed feelings about going home this weekend. On one hand, I can go see Sunny, Jessie and Krista (my best friends), and get easter $$. On the other, there's partying to be had here, and Neil needs a buddy. Back to the first hand, I'll probably be getting FFXI sooner if I go home. On hand number two, I'll get it...
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i dunno, usually i wait for neil to call, or go out to a show or something. i may just be doing schoolwork this weekend.

hm... actually there is a party at the phoenix co-op on friday that sounds cool.
holy crap! this weekend rocked! I've never had so much fun at a club. That's probably because I finally worked up the nerve to dance, along with getting a girl's number. I hope no one had a bad weekend.

Phil ARRR!!!
*sigh* phil, i have never been more sure about anything in my entire life...

you deleted my comment, whats up with that?
when i last talked to you about him, i had seen him for, what, 5 hours? after 4 years? its just so right.. ive been trying to fill the void he left behind for the last four years and nothing has even remotely fit.. i have constantly thought things were love because i had forgotten what love really felt like... i have it again and i am not losing it... and i do really know him, and i know hes not dangerous... and if you see us tomorrow feeding people on state st, stop and say hi... kiss
well, the week is behind me now, but more are coming. In the meantime, I gotta enjoy the weekend. Heading down to Inferno for Leather and Lace tonight, sounds like a good time.
Gods... Why did I have to put this fucking speech off to the last minute... It's almost one and I'm not done with it. Odin and Frigg, please help me! mad
Um... hi. Name's Phil, recent addition to the real world. Anyhoo, I've heard a lot of good things from my friends Neil and Anna, so I thought I'd check the site out. Not much to say right now, but oh well, it's not like people are gonna read this.

in passing...
ARRR!!! ARRG... Go fuck yerself!
Gods... Why did I have to put this fucking speech off to the last minute... It's almost one and I'm not done with it. Odin and Frigg, please help me! mad