So, it's been a while since I posted. Seems to happen more and more since I got World of Warcraft *drool*. Anyhoo, not much has been going on. Went to inferno over the weekend and danced like a motherfucker. Got all sweaty and shit, it was great. And the best part, I can't blame it on the booze, cause I was sober fer it. I...
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alright, just had the BWW's holiday party last night. Got a bit more drunk than I had planned to. Feel like total crap now.

In other news... um.

Oh yeah! my roommate and I just rearraged our room, it's pretty fucking sweet. No more sitting shoulder to shoulder with the guy, hoping he doesn't notice the copius amounts of porn on my desktop. ^_^ jk,...
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well, the holidays have come and gone and I'm definitely feeling the holiday blues. Take my New Year's Eve/Morning: 4am and I'm in my dorm, alone, with a bottle of champagne and a flask of vodka. I dislike being alone like that, I wish I had someone to curl up with under the covers, keeping eachother warm in more ways than just body heat. As...
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hey, we didn't end up going yesterday either. when i talked to you i was still in the midst of waking up and it didn't occur to me that you might be wanting a ride with us instead. sorry bout that. in any case, we just sat at home and cleaned and watched movies. next time though... it's gonna be sweet.
he quit working at jimmy johns like a month and a half ago. sigh>
Why go to class when you can play video games!?!

Anywho... I had a pretty crappy night last night. Neil had to go to the hospital, and there was all kinds of fun there. I definitely got a pretty good eye into what's going on in that house, and none of you believe it's all Neil's fault.
IN lighter news, I'm really broke, but dropping...
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Depends on what video games.
so, Thanksgiving has come and gone without much excitement. I'm single again, but no big thing. Long distance just doesn't work. So watch out, ladies of madison, Phil's on the prowl. Of course... knowing my habits, not much prowling will be done. Oh well, it's back to the video games and japanese for me! Cya all around.
Ah... Thanksgiving. A time to sit around a big table laden with tons of food with family and good friends and eat food until your stomach ruptures and you have food sitting in your esophagus. But don't get me wrong, I love this holiday.
Unfortunately, this one's just going to be spent with my parents and their good friends. But the area we're going to...
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so yeah. Last saturday, November 6th. A guy peed on the wall in the basement of Buffalo wild wings. Being the bouncer, it was a fun situation for me. Ok, here's how it went:

After the "big game" let out, A group of older wisconsin alumni came into the place, all pretty well toasted. They continued to drink. At about 5, all the piping backed...
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Ew, that's just nasty, peeing on someone's wall. Maybe if it were an alley way it'd be a bit different, but that's just gross.
yeah, i second the ew.
at least you got to throw him out. cool.

Well, halloween weekend is almost over, and the actual holiday seems to be shaping up pretty lamely. But no matter, I had an alright weekend. Friday night I confiscated my first ID, which is awsome, and got pulled off the door because i was "Too intimidating" in my makeup, which is awsomer! Of course, it meant i couldn't be a bastard anymore,...
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Well, halloween weekend is almost over, and the actual holiday seems to be shaping up pretty lamely. But no matter, I had an alright weekend. Friday night I confiscated my first ID, which is awsome, and got pulled off the door because i was "Too intimidating" in my makeup, which is awsomer! Of course, it meant i couldn't be a bastard anymore, but oh well....
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More work, more money. But man, sometimes the fact that i'm starting to take an interest in sports, a byproduct of them being everywhere I look at work, really freaks me out. But, then I sit in front of a screen for an impressive chunk of time, and my worries disappear like the lives of my enemies.

"Did you know that the eskimos have nine...
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