I have been hospitalized after my battle with the drunken frat boys, but it is merely for a few lacerations and a bruised rib. Needless to say, I merely got a slap on the wrist compared to my opponents.
So, here's what happened:
Lee, the "epitome of assraping", was off hitting on another bouncer, leaving the "Phil Situation", the "Giver of Pain", yours truly, alone...
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that was definately an intertaining read. im glad you didnt get more hurt. good job!
are you still around?
I hate coasties. With a passion. Seriously, I HATES COASTIES. For those of you who are uninformed, a coastie is any of the stuck up, spoiled little fucks from California, New York or Chicago who are being put through school and fed all the booze and expensive clothes they want through "daddy's" money. Working at the #1 coastie bar in Madison doesn't help either. They...
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some of us are from teh coast....
Oh, for god's sake! BEING FROM THE COAST DOES NOT MAKE YOU A CAOSTIE!!! That's just part of the retarded tapestry that makes up coastiehood.
I'M 21 PEEPS AND PEEPESSES! That's right, it is now 100% legal for Phil to be drunk and beligerant, which my D&D group will find out tonight when they take me to the Nitty Gritty (mmmmmm... free beer).
happy birthday! sorry i missed it on your day. but happy anyhow

Although, i do think I fail 2 of 4 classes this semester, and am probably going to get kicked out of UW. But, that's ok! I'm a writer! All the good writers got kicked out, now I just gotta go write my fantasy epic.

In other news, I now work at the Angelic Brew Pub! It's sweet, better...
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would you stay in madison if you werent going to the UW anymore?

angelic brewery is on one of my favorite t shirts.

IGNORE THAT LAST JOURNAL! My mind was in a dark, uninformed place and I've sicne talked to Neil. I feel like a total asshole.
I've totally terrified Megan, she thinks i want to kill her or something. WHICH WAS NOT MY GOAL AT ALL!

I just didn't want to be forgotten. And I let my fear bitch slap the slumbering juggernaut that is the rage...
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hey, you removed me from your list, not the other way around.. jims just a bit paranoid about me and ex's and all for some reason.. *shrug*
heh, well, i really havent had much access to the internet as of late.. we just broke our lease and moved out of our apt in madison and into my parents house for the time being..
Alright... so. I'm back in school now, and I'm supposed to be working on an art project due tomorrow, but fuck it, i'm posting.

Neil and I have gotten an apartment together, way the fuck off campus. I've been getting REALLY REALLY lonely because he and I never hang out anymore and any free time he has he's spending it with Megan.
Now, I know...
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yes life out here is awesome. i don't know if you caught yet that i broke up with mat. blackeyed if you don't know what i'm talking about go a few journals back.

but i made lots of new friends here... everyone is so fucking friendly!

i am on a mission to have all the peeps i love from wisconsin move here. i know you guys would love it so much, so get your asses over here already. you're welcome to visit anytime.
I can relate with you on how things are with Neil. I'm going to send you an email though. Be sure to look for it please. I think you might listen to me. He doesn't anymore. frown
wow, so it's been a while since I updated.

I'm in Madison with Neil right now, but not gonna be here much longer, sogtta go back and whip some of my Oak Creek friends into shape. We're going camping and they have no fucking clue what they're doing, so it's up to cpatain Phil to take care of this shit.
shush. no whining about free stuff.
ok, update on the toe, not that anyone's reading this shit. Friday, the 15th, I tore the nail off. It was dead and embedded in my flesh, so it had to go. Then, Saturday night, I was breaking up a fight between two Peurto Ricans at BWWs when one of them got pushed back and stepped on the toe. So, I went home early and...
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Definately. smile I'm trying to get a second job, so I actually feel that I deserve weekends off; if I get weekends off, I get more time to sleep and do other such productive things, like lay around, watch movies, eat, and hang out with the few people I know. biggrin
you should come to movie night.
well, Phil's been gimpified. Wednesday night, the 6th, I was at work, closing the basement at Buffalo Wild Wings. I was picking up a stool to flip upside down and place on the table when, as the stool was sideways, I accidently hit it on the underside of the table. The shock made me drop it, and the egde of the seat landed on my...
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alright... new post, new post.
Well, it's spring break for me and all the other UW students. I've decided to come home for break, i'm too worn down for a week of partying. Anyhoo, the other day I went to my comic book shop and got all updated on my Wolverines and Runaways. On top of a box of magic cards, the price was $180....
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