Holy snap it's been a while since I've been here on SG. Looks like I got ish to write about tho.

So I spent a week in New York City this last month, for the CMJ Marathon, saw some pretty ill Hip-Hop shows, and got pretty sick. Turns out the only thing you can get for free in NY is a disease. So I've been...
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Man, the drive back from Olympia was pretty boring. Got to listen to the latest from the Non-Prophets tho. If you've never heard of them before, you need to check out their latest album "Hope". It's pretty ill.

Posted photos from last Halloween and one from another costume praty. I look nothing like either of the getups, tho people told me I did a convincing...
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hey how is the Valecat? I used to DJ at KBVR for a bit and i haven't seen her in fahevah.
I love your KBVR tags. Maybe they could make them into shirts?
good music picks. good to see other heads on sg (we are a tiny community in this community) what do you think of the new kweli album?
I'm off to Seattle today to vist my Girlfriend. Gonna be sweet. Prolly like a 6 hour drive. Excellent.
So, today was hot as fucking hell again. I think it's funny how people talk shit about global warming being bulshit and yet, it's fucking 95 degrees in Oregon. OREGON! It was almost 100 yesterday. I remember when I was like ten, I'd flip out if it got even close to 90. Now it's too much.

Good thing we got the A/C pumpin at Footwise....
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So, my first journal entry. Awesome.

I finally have some time to write this stuff. I guess not much to report at the moment; work is getting lamer, and I'm not writing as much as I'd like cause if I do I am shit at work.

Developed a new style today. I look forward to working it out a bit. Maybe I'll start to...
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Yeah. I'm lame enought to comment on my own journal.
Welcome to SG. wink Like the fantasy. I wish one of his daughters would marry an Iraqi.


[Edited on Aug 12, 2004 12:51AM]