Maybe I drank until six thirty in the morning because a kindly barkeeper kept on feeding us drinks for two hours past closing time. Maybe. I don't remember.
My ears hurt. Thanks MF Doom.
you bastard, why can't you be like the rest of us, and NOT go to that show.

Did you hear any peachfuzz? or Gasface?
He started off with four new songs off MM...Food, and then did a couple off Madvillain before getting into the older shit.
As LoDeck would say, today was a good day, in both English and Ebonics. Saw the Pixies for free in St. Paul, made it out for drinks at a local establishment with some friends, and got an article published in one of the Twin Cities finer alt-weeklies.
I got read the riot act at work for showing up late. I countered with insomnia. Medical illness equals potential lawsuit equals me still not being motivated enough to leave my bed in the morning at a reasonable hour. Take that, accounting world!
do you like your job at all?
The non-profit/helping people part, yes. The co-workers from Anoka and an emasculated boss, not so much.
I resolve to speak only in Chinese fortune proverbs from now on.

Warm weather in November makes for a delightful afternoon.
and where were you last week, when i asked for chinese fortunes?


ever come out to sgtc stuff? i don't recall having met you..
I went to Madison and got pepper sprayed by cops. I know now that I don't like pepper spray. This is an important lesson.
I'm thinking that wasn't such a good idea. tongue