- on sylent's photo
- on Suicide Girls You Wish You Could Date? in hopeless romantics
- on maisie's photo
- on SAO in anime & manga
- on up late, bored in no friends
- on up late, bored in no friends
There is beauty in our contempt. Battle has added years to our spirit. The precession of life and death has refined our taste. No longer, do the decadent, sweet pleasures of leisure satisfy us. Our palette has evolved. We now seek out the complex flavors of hardship and fidelity.
The tides of war are receding and many of us are left feeling cold and lost,
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Just signed up and I already feel at home here. 0 followers but when somebody does discover this it'll be as rare an majestic as a Damn fire breathing unicorn. I've never blogged or tossed my inner thoughts out to social media much but I feel like this will be a perfect spot for it in a sense of anonymity. More to follow