I don't mind Holidays. I mean you get time off and if you live near family you get to see them. Only one problem....I really don't want to be around part of my family. They don't even recognize what I got going on. It is always one person (Usually always the same person) has to one up everything. I don't get it. All I ask is a little respect and appreciation. It is really that hard to do? It must be since I don't get that... well not from my family. I was trying to really think of just one that really does but..they don't or it does not seem like they do. Damn oh well. Can't wait until Christmas. Oh Joy

You are a descendant of the medieval assassin Altair, and a company is using a machine to connect your mind with the genetic memories of your ancestor in order to access some important information (unknown to me at this point) - through this machine you re-live the memories of this assassin.
You play through his memories, unlocking further memories by performing certain tasks, which eventually lead you to various assassinations, which unlock further memories.