Nothing really new just working away. Had a job interview and now waiting for a response from them. Thinking about joining a group called AITP Association of Information Technology Professionals. They seem really good group. I attained one of their meetings. I got to meet all sorts of IT Professionals from all over the valley. The head of IT for SRP was the presenter and the IT head for Gilbert was their too. I don't remember the rest but I got to learn some cool stuff. It seems to be a great way to network.
More Blogs
Friday Jun 19, 2009
I luv you Friday. The beginning of the weekend. All have a good one. -
Monday Jun 15, 2009
I am happy to be back in School. I am learning how to draw.... no m… -
Thursday Jun 11, 2009
.......... -
Monday Jun 08, 2009
It is a new week Work sucks ........ I start school tomorrow Hell… -
Friday Jun 05, 2009
It is that wonderful time of the week the weekend Everyone have a g… -
Monday Jun 01, 2009
Monday I think I saw lightning, and it is gone. Hello Home -
Friday May 29, 2009
Ya Hello weekend, never knew you could look so sexy. -
Tuesday May 26, 2009
Back To work .....Only 4 days instead of of 5 this week you can't bea… -
Friday May 22, 2009
Got to luv 3 day weekends -
Thursday May 21, 2009
All set to go back to school on June 9th