Saturday Feb 10, 2007 Feb 10, 2007 0 Facebook Tweet Email VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS dunn3rd: During the winter Phoenix usually will get rain if that. For the most part it is just dry. To me SPOILERS! (Click to view) I can't speak for everyone else since I don't get cold as most people do. it just gets cool not cold. I don't even own a sweater. Feb 11, 2007 doolittle: i am an anthropology major (translation = monster nerd) i love all movies, good ones and corny ones. these movies were introduced to me by my friends ethan and aaron, apparently they have silly movie nights so i am getting happily drug into them Feb 13, 2007
it just gets cool not cold. I don't even own a sweater.
i love all movies, good ones and corny ones. these movies were introduced to me by my friends ethan and aaron, apparently they have silly movie nights so i am getting happily drug into them