It would appear in the 4 months or so since I last posted anything on here I may have grown up a little.
Since Christmas I have got a job, stopped obsessively playing Pokemon and am nearing the end of the college course that has been plaguing me for years.
It's not all been plain sailing, sadly yesterday I had to say goodbye to one of my two German shepherds, Blue, who due to illness was allowed to rest in peace.
We gave him a happy, an at the age of 13, long life and he will be sorely missed.
My other German shepherd Max is still with me so I am spoiling him as much as I can at the moment.
In order to stay positive I have been focusing on the future. With the increase in financial stability that a career should provide, I intend to do two things...
1. Get my Driving sorted out, so that I can have some freedom to go where I want and escape the loneliness of the Highlands once in a while.
2. See some of the world.
I'm not saying I'm a hermit but when I have been outside of the UK I've not really done touristy stuff, and rather than being a holiday it's been an educational trip or charity work, so I hope to remedy this as soon as possible.
I have no idea which destination will be the first that I will visit. I'm thinking a trip so Scandinavia, Spain or Germany will be one of the first things to do, then maybe after Christmas and with a few pay rises hopefully under my belt I will venture across to the States for the first time.
I hope whomever reads this is well.
Much love