Truth be told my last gaming review (although it was my first) SUCKED, I failed to convey in words how amazing this Pokemon game is, over a week has past since I wrote the Blog and I still cant put it down. Anyway, I will have another attempt at writing either a review of a film or a game in the not too distant future. If I still suck, it'll be back to the drawing board to find something else to indulge my attempts at getting attention and to indulge others procrastination habits.
More Blogs
So two hours from now I'll be 22 another year has been and gone and… -
A review of Pokémon Y
So this is my first proper blog I guess. but it's not the game I … -
Batman: Arkham Origins can't arrive quickly enough....
So despite today starting in the most terrible of ways with a rude … -
Saturday Aug 03, 2013
Wearing my Haribo ring like a boss!!!! -
Tuesday Jan 15, 2013
To say my life is a mixture of emotions is not an understatement. To… -
Thursday Nov 15, 2012
I'm 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 -
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
So it's my birthday next week and my friends being as kind as they ar… -
Monday Nov 05, 2012
So I'm a depressive Englishman stuck in the heart of the Scottish Hig…