Going to be heading back north today!

then tomorrow further north to Scotland, gunna go see my family while they're on holiday, the whole family.

Also going to meet my mum's birth sister and her family, kinda nervous about this, it's weird to think I've grown up basically knowing my family and then all of a sudden at the age of 27, bam, here's another...
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Phew! Good to know! I'm a total elliptical noob smile

Kraken is so yummy! Lashing of lime with it is great!

Fingers crossed the meeting goes well smile
Tiny bit jealous! Feeling the urge to hit the pool again after resting after the great swim smile
I feel happy!

this new job is good

quite like where I'm living (though need to explore Oxford when I have a bit more money)

housemates though I don't see them much seem alright

Life actually seems on an upswing right now

feels good
Nope, that's only happened with the last few and even then that's just been a coincidence. Back in the day the actors age went up and down like a yoyo.
Not really, Colin Baker certainly looked older than Peter Davidson
Fuck you wisdom tooth, just fuck you
Ooouf. Owwws blackeyed
I had trouble with mine a few years back. No fun at all.
Having a moment of introspection (it's probably the cider...7% wtf?)

Mix that with the scientist in me and here are some facts

I have had 6 relationships

of these 3 of them have ended around my birthday

2 of them have been ended by girls saying they aren't in a place for a relationship then proceeded to go into another relationship

I have ended 2...
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Sozzzzz, maybe you should stash some healthy food for ready blogs with! wink

Honest introspection can be helpful, perhaps the cider isn't a great aid though wink
Oh shush you don't even need to explain! Haha thank you though. I know 75% are in exactly same position as me lovely xx
First day of new job today

Seemed to go pretty well as first days go, lotsa reading and listening.

And apparently I'm already infamous, the fact that I was late to the interview has been passed to other interviewees.

and also spent some time laughing as one of the trainers focussed so hard on saying "ticks and dito marks should not be used" that she...
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Me too lovely, I've never had problems before. I'm pretty disgusted.
How's the job going?
Tomorrow, or I guess today is the big move down south towards Oxford.

I am both terrified and excited about the possibilities

It's the potential for a whole new start, a possible new lease on life

It could alternatively be a hugely terrible mistake.

I guess it's all just a matter of wait and see.

Oxford is a great place. Sure there is all the tourist stuff, but underneath that theres lots of great hidden things.
And the many many pubs are great. When your more settled in we should go for a pint together, always happy to show you a few of the good pubs.
Let me know when your more settled and we can arrange something.

Couple of years ago i arranged a Oxford meet and got a few SGUK people up from London, might be worth doing again.
My final day in work, now I am officially unemployed...for a week and a half tongue

kinda glad to be out of there, gunna miss some of the people though

life is pretty good I guess, nervous about the move, excited about a new start

the future is unwritten

1 week of work left - yay

I have a place to stay sorted (even if it is only short term) - yay

I am absolutely terrified of moving so far from my family, my brain is convincing me something bad will happen with my mum's health or something and I won't be able to make it back in time and it will just destroy...
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Big changes are usually accompanied by feelings of unease. I hope that everything goes great for you.
this sorting somewhere to live thing is stressing me out enormously, my first choice didn't respond at all, I then waited so long that my second choice feel through, and the deposit on my third choice is huge so my friend I'm lending the money off would be getting paid back for ages.

don't think I can cope with this shit anymore.

So this weekend I have been searching for somewhere to live down in Oxfordshire, found a few that are promising, hopefully going to go live on a farm that's been kinda pimped tongue

dunno why but lately been having the feeling nobody really wants me around. And also to a degree that I don't want to be around people. Kinda an odd feeling.

I'm hoping I...
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