getting back to the feeling that I really want someone in my life, And think I've scared off the girl I liked from work

C'est ma vie I guess


There are days where I feel I've fucked up my life beyond all recognition.

I'm currently sat here, sipping on bourbon thinking that the me of a year ago would be pretty happy in this place, having moved out, getting a job that I enjoy and am not treated like shit at and am actually paid reasonably well at, so why do I want more?...
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You'll find a medium, and your life has improved thanks to your efforts so far. It's hard to know exactly what you want, I think you have to be really honest with yourself which can be hard, and then remove yourself from what other people think you should want, and aim for what you love. It can be a great process!

2 weeks ago I said goodbye to my beard

And since in the cause of mens health I have been growing a silly tache

If you can spare any money at all it would be greatly appreciated you can donate here

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Shsss, it's a secret! It is too tempting :)
Of course! ;)

Sometimes I really miss having a friend close by...

on the plus side, I wrote an awesome bass riff, need to turn that into a song...

You do, you just need to practice. I am like a whirl of energy sometimes, bouncy bouncy, so if I can manage it, you can, I'm sure! :)
Thanks ^_^

So yesterday was really crap and I thought it was leading in to a really shitty week, The journey to work was heavily congested so I was half an hour late, the experiment I ran over the weekend had gone tits up and the equipment had decided to now have issues so I spent ages to try and sort it then to top it off...
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Ok I have one important question about the new site, how the hell do I zoom out! everything is too big to see easily on my screen, it seems like it's been designed for television screens...

Hold CTRL and press the minus button and plus button to zoom in. That's general web browser controls. And yes everything is too big! Don't get me wrong, I love boobs right in my face but this is a bit much :P
Haha completely agree, motorboating is all well and good but you wanna see the whole shebang :P
I'm gunna lie here, watch Full Metal Jacket and drink cider, it's a good friday night
good choice biggrin it is a great movie!
i will do that next friday biggrinbiggrinbiggrin
It's nice being home, seeing all my family, even if my brother does show up drunk and makes a huge ass of himself.

lately I have been having this recurring dream of wandering through a wasteland of a city, and it's completely empty, it's an odd feeling

I'm also missing sleeping next to someone and being used as a pillow

Choc & beet cake sounds DIVINE! smile

There's always one family drunk! Several even. Oh my. At least it can be amusing, occasionally, through the eye rolling and groans tongue

I dreamed I was walking through a bustling Tokyo shopping centre, then down to a river bed and Styx type boat. I blame the germs, brain addled!
Having one of those weeks where it feels like a simple hug would make everything feel better

I think I'm actually just homesick, it's been that long since I haven't lived close to family and not seen my niece or nephew that it's a bit weird

I'll be glad next time I go home smile

wandered around Oxford the other day for the first time, it...
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*Virtual hugs!*

Thanks, I love the socks too, I'll keep working on the girly thing wink
It looks beautiful. I love Scotland.
Glad you had a nice time x
It's beautiful. That lighthouse reminds me of one used in the Highlander series!

Camping was fab, still not a fan of that moist feeling in the morning.... man, that sounded really suspect shocked