So tonight I sat down and write some songs, really happy with them, now just need to play them to the other half of the Manatee who'll probably point out they're pixies songs as they usually are


So today I am at risk of redundancy, probably not going to be made but still terrifying all the same

@Punx_ cheers hope your job stays safe, @trills thanks I'm putting out a safety net with a couple of j job applications just in case
@duncanj100 Good idea :)

Still stuck in this rut,

heres a trio of songs about dead monkeys

And then some music I've been enjoying

Hope everyone's awesome


Been a weird few days

huge stressout at work courtesy of lazy co-workers dumping work on me they were supposed to do and what little they did do was such a piece of shit it left me in a shitty situation where I had to do the work over to a standard less than I would like to work to, so when I did it...
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A friend took me speed dating tonight

It was a new experience, from which I can surmise the following:

The vast majority of women who have reached the requirement of speed dating feel the need to be waited on hand and for at all times

The most interesting thing most of these women do is whine to friends about the fact that guys don't wait...
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Not feeling myself right now, keep looking in the mirror and not sure I recognise the person staring back

I'm getting more and more frustrated at not being able to write music at the moment, everything I write just seems to fall apart

I'm sure things are going to get better, it's just looking for the handhold to pull myself out of this slum


Back home for my 4 days off, had a hospital appointment about my wisdom teeth, apparently I don't need them out so hooray for that.

On the downside of being home is that less than half a day in and questioning became "so how come you haven't met someone yet" gahh just cannot be bothered with that shit

Lately music has looked a lot like...
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Great tracks, cheers for sharing. Yay for teeth, though sedatives are fun ;)
@trills I know that was my only disappointment, I loved coming round from the last lot when I had my teeth implants done

so I got to go out for a drink with the girl from work that I like

I worked up the nerve and asked her on a proper date

She said no

The end

Chin up love, nothing ventured etc x
@trills yeah I'm not actually that down about it, in the end I've gained nothing, lost nothing so I'm exactly where I was

been self destructing a bit lately, getting more and more frustrated, burnt a load of music notes I had made cos it sounded great one day and terrible the next, got super pissed off in the lab and nearly threw some chemicals around in anger/frustration

Really think I need something to ground me, something to put me on the right track


getting back to the feeling that I really want someone in my life, And think I've scared off the girl I liked from work

C'est ma vie I guess

@TRILLS @LIONNEDEA I simply asked her if she fancied a drink or to go out for a meal sometime and now shes been acting all weird, it's great, shoulda stuck to the rule never do this with people you work with!
Well that's no reason to be scared off. I mean maybe she's one of those girls who doesn't date in the workplace or maybe she's into someone. Go out and meet people!