So yesterday was really crap and I thought it was leading in to a really shitty week, The journey to work was heavily congested so I was half an hour late, the experiment I ran over the weekend had gone tits up and the equipment had decided to now have issues so I spent ages to try and sort it then to top it off I was unable to get tickets to see Neutral Milk Hotel which I had been really hoping for.
So needless to say I went in to today feeling kinda shit, and it started that way as I woke up with a headache, that would not fuck off, then it took forever to get out of my road due to assholes on the road, then I got to work and felt a little better as everything I had run overnight had worked, then I got free chocolate from a training course, then they announced spare tickets for Neutral Milk Hotel and I got a pair!
So far this week is 50:50, lets see how it goes from there :P
on the new site, I am adjusting, although the idea that I have followers now is giving me a Jesus complex, so consider the lily...