Last night's CD release party filled up quite nicely. we played a long wild show for a big raucous audience. The hard part comes after the last song and wading through the lingerers....packing up gear and loading this post adreanal sweat covered daze and trieing to be polite to the poeple who want to stop and talk to you about the show. All the while eyeing the stragglers you'd prefer to chat up in the form of pretty girls who seem to hang expectantly. but oh I'm commited to a lonely life of solitude these days so it's the ringing silence of the truck and the road. I shuddered, rounding a bend and watched a black cat dart across the road. Fucking omens. my head's still ringing.
Couldn't sleep. came home to a mess of myspace friend requests...having plugged the band on the radio that day. I was posting little comments as the sky turned light and morning birds got to twittering. Then slept with dark strang dreams about towers and ocean waves. Giant antique metal machines and my new girlfriend....Paris Hilton.
now after 2 hours of silent coffee and internets it's time to turn the battlewagon around and return to town for the pavilion show.
Couldn't sleep. came home to a mess of myspace friend requests...having plugged the band on the radio that day. I was posting little comments as the sky turned light and morning birds got to twittering. Then slept with dark strang dreams about towers and ocean waves. Giant antique metal machines and my new girlfriend....Paris Hilton.
now after 2 hours of silent coffee and internets it's time to turn the battlewagon around and return to town for the pavilion show.
thankyou very much. that was probably the best comment I've ever received.
eheh thanks for the comment on my debut set