Alone in the house for tonight with my 3 pitts, 2 orange cats & my 9 y/o baby boy.
Daddy is at a friends house doing HVAC work for them. Too long of a drive to make it a 1 day thing.
Kid & I are gonna do either burgers on the grill or tacos. Whatever he wants.
Maybe pull some weeds in the new yard and get stuff ready for yard waste pick-up day.
If I feel like it, I'm gonna bleach his hair out to get rid of the blue remnants still left. Then prob put some color on the tips. (He is growing his mohawk out into a Faith No More pony tail like Daddy used to have, so he keeps it comb'd to one side.)
Internet image to describe his hair after it grows out:

I'll post later.
Daddy is at a friends house doing HVAC work for them. Too long of a drive to make it a 1 day thing.
Kid & I are gonna do either burgers on the grill or tacos. Whatever he wants.
Maybe pull some weeds in the new yard and get stuff ready for yard waste pick-up day.
If I feel like it, I'm gonna bleach his hair out to get rid of the blue remnants still left. Then prob put some color on the tips. (He is growing his mohawk out into a Faith No More pony tail like Daddy used to have, so he keeps it comb'd to one side.)
Internet image to describe his hair after it grows out:

I'll post later.
