waiting waiting waiting ... I'm in a perpetual holding pattern ... 
Still waiting to hear anything on TransUnion/Square2 for the house.
MIL gave my Dad the laptop this morning. As soon as we figure out what is happening with the house she will set a date to move out by.
My boss is talking about me missing time (for things like taking & picking my husband from the hospital 1.5 hrs from our home after surgery & for infection scares & taking care of my disabled grandma so my uncle can take my pop-pop to have blood work since both grandma & pop-pop just got out of the hospital) and come the new year there are going to be some changes around here.
There is going to be a rude awakening when those days missed jumps up because my MIL is going to step back and let me take care of my family, not her taking Troll & Beeko to doc apts and school etc. As soon as we are settled where-ever we end up I must look for a job close to home. I'm exhausted from the 110 miles I put on my car everyday (1.5-3 hrs in traffic ONE WAY) and spending $600 on gas a month.
12:38pm : Just taked to the people who took over the BOA account and they submitted what they had to to take the shit offa our credit report with TransUnion but they can only give verbal confirmation so I authorized them to speak to the people to hopefully get this crap resolved.

Still waiting to hear anything on TransUnion/Square2 for the house.
MIL gave my Dad the laptop this morning. As soon as we figure out what is happening with the house she will set a date to move out by.
My boss is talking about me missing time (for things like taking & picking my husband from the hospital 1.5 hrs from our home after surgery & for infection scares & taking care of my disabled grandma so my uncle can take my pop-pop to have blood work since both grandma & pop-pop just got out of the hospital) and come the new year there are going to be some changes around here.
There is going to be a rude awakening when those days missed jumps up because my MIL is going to step back and let me take care of my family, not her taking Troll & Beeko to doc apts and school etc. As soon as we are settled where-ever we end up I must look for a job close to home. I'm exhausted from the 110 miles I put on my car everyday (1.5-3 hrs in traffic ONE WAY) and spending $600 on gas a month.
12:38pm : Just taked to the people who took over the BOA account and they submitted what they had to to take the shit offa our credit report with TransUnion but they can only give verbal confirmation so I authorized them to speak to the people to hopefully get this crap resolved.