Good Morning Peoples! (I guess...) It's Monday, it's bleh, I'm completely stressed with stupid drama BS... worst part is it all comes from my MIL and Step-Mom... What a great pair! Months and months ago my SM tells me my MIL had been talking shit about me (didn't want me married to her son, horrible mom/wife)... I just keep my trap shut... Until, one day her and I get into it and I threw out "So everything SM has been telling me is true!"... Oh boy... She then says all that shit was stuff SM had said, not her! Why would she ever?! (Yeh, that's why you got so pissed and huffy... you got caught...) She says she's going to confront her at my sons b-day party! I tell her not to even think about it bc it would ruin HIS day, just keep her mouth shut, it's just going to cause trouble. So, she waits until Hubbie & I are having a bar-b-q with friends and my family... SM went in to talk to MIL (keep in mind, the way SM is, I have no doubt she was talking shit too right there with MIL) right after getting there and MIL just goes off... I come back from running to the store to all this... I get in a fight with SM b/c she's being a B... So SM drags my Dad & SS back into their vehicle and now is NEVER coming to my home since MIL is there. So now, how does my Dad see his grandson? MIL still doesn't see how she did wrong... SM and I are civil but not talking... and what just hit me last night (MIL & FIL got the house we're in bc Hubbie & I liked it... but MIL made it clear they were there for the "long haul" as she likes to say... So until we're about 50, we will have NEVER had "our home" to ourselves... Prob just the way MIL wants it... She is never retracting her claws from her little boy... She is "mother lion" as she likes to refer to herself...
Sorry... long rant... other than that everything is peachy with hubbie, the kid and I. LOL... Ah well... Guess I signed up for it when I married a guy who's Mommy was a warden...
Sorry... long rant... other than that everything is peachy with hubbie, the kid and I. LOL... Ah well... Guess I signed up for it when I married a guy who's Mommy was a warden...