YEAH! Only one more week till vacation! I am so excited. Hopefully I can get things squared away as far as somewhere for Jordon to stay for a couple days. I'm working on him going to my sister's house, but money is tight and it may not work. And that could suck. But I'll just have to cross my fingers and toes
*difficult task crossing your toes by the way* Luckily, the long labor day weekend is over at the hotel. The busy time is finally fading. Which is good cuz I can't do it anymore.
The only interesting story I have for today is that I got stung by a bee when I was taking a smoke break today. Right on the back of the neck. It sucked ass and didn't help with my already shitty ass day.
I have SO MUCH work to do on the house before Josh gets here its overwhelming. I spent today cleaning out and polishing my car though. It looks so pretty and smells so nice. YEAH! hehehe. We'll see how long that lasts
I didn't end up going to that tattoo convention this weekend
Sadness. I got too busy at work. But that's ok I'll make sure I hit the next one thats even remotely close to me
I'm gonna try to get a photoset done within in the next week or so if time and energy permits.
The cat is going psycho....and driving me crazy at the same time *meow meow meow* UGH.
OK. I think that covers it. BORING. I know. But....what can ya do hehehe.
Have a great night all!

The only interesting story I have for today is that I got stung by a bee when I was taking a smoke break today. Right on the back of the neck. It sucked ass and didn't help with my already shitty ass day.
I have SO MUCH work to do on the house before Josh gets here its overwhelming. I spent today cleaning out and polishing my car though. It looks so pretty and smells so nice. YEAH! hehehe. We'll see how long that lasts

I didn't end up going to that tattoo convention this weekend

I'm gonna try to get a photoset done within in the next week or so if time and energy permits.
The cat is going psycho....and driving me crazy at the same time *meow meow meow* UGH.

OK. I think that covers it. BORING. I know. But....what can ya do hehehe.
Have a great night all!

Have a great time on yer travels!