Awww...I have no rad pictures to post today. I've been chilling at home for quite a few days because work is really slow. And I think I am feeling the dire need to go back to work now. I'm starting to feel useless and slightly depressed. Saturday was a blast thought. Everyone came over and didn't leave till round 4 the next day. It was awesome. But when you have that much company in your house for that long, and than everyone leaves and you find yourself all alone in a house that looks like a hurricane hit it now it's kinda depressing. And I don't like it. No sir.....I don't like it
ANYWHO.....I shall be attempting to get my house back in order today. Hope you all have a good one!

Dammit, I just found your profile yesterday and was hoping to see some new radness. Shucks.
Well I hope that enverything goes smoothly getting everything back to normal.