Pottery roses ?! Man you are something else.
Keep kicking out the pottery , you are doing really good.
(My classes have been jammed up by the preacher's wife's agenda, she wants to get rid of us older artists, to make room for kiddie art camps, so they can get brainwashed and de-science d. She wants little fluffy white sheep to lead to slaughter.)
About my latest pic for my avitar: It's my "Dorian Grey", era. = visual effects of depraved and licentious behavior,= as in," as ugly on the outside as on the inside." actually I still look better than many of my , ideas.
( I've unravelled a bit in these mighty winds of change, I'm a bit off balance and I've been crashing into things,(mostly people), I'm feeling totally," cornered, out gunned, out manned."
When things seem to be ,"closing in", we sometimes push everything back away from us, often starting with whatever or whomever is closest.
I bet they make an awesome sound when you're arranging them in a vase!
Keep kicking out the pottery , you are doing really good.
(My classes have been jammed up by the preacher's wife's agenda, she wants to get rid of us older artists, to make room for kiddie art camps, so they can get brainwashed and de-science d. She wants little fluffy white sheep to lead to slaughter.)
About my latest pic for my avitar: It's my "Dorian Grey", era. = visual effects of depraved and licentious behavior,= as in," as ugly on the outside as on the inside."
( I've unravelled a bit in these mighty winds of change, I'm a bit off balance and I've been crashing into things,(mostly people), I'm feeling totally," cornered, out gunned, out manned."
When things seem to be ,"closing in", we sometimes push everything back away from us, often starting with whatever or whomever is closest.