But in reflection: I don't know how to pigeon hole the Radiators, what I said was lame;..they're just the Radiators. I generaly classify music as: "Cool," -" Laid back" - ", A total groove," - " Stompin," - " Kick ass," - "Totally awesome !".
and then there's :" Fuckin noise," " Fuck that shit," "Aw, man, it's just recycled bubblegum."
At different times in different lives, as well as still now, and always, some bands we can always get off on.
We don't get out much, new music filters in through this computer, from out there.
PS. I don't know about picking his nose, but Sondawg must be whereing that new hairstyle, " Hawksnest".
Yeah but if you watched Cheney at the press dinner the other night you'd be able to say that at least he can joke about it. That dude took some pretty funny pokes at himself. lmao
and then there's :" Fuckin noise," " Fuck that shit," "Aw, man, it's just recycled bubblegum."
At different times in different lives, as well as still now, and always, some bands we can always get off on.
We don't get out much, new music filters in through this computer, from out there.
PS. I don't know about picking his nose, but Sondawg must be whereing that new hairstyle, " Hawksnest".
cheney cracking me up