it was never a question of if, but when it was going to happen. well, it happened last night, our 16 year old know it all son wrecked our car. we just sank a bunch of money into it too. Sondawg is ok but our Honda is fucked up. he lost it on the ice and slid head on into our neighbors mega SUV. we live about 3 miles up a shared private road and when it snows, cars pack it down and the road turns to pure ice. we have warned him over and over about the dangers of ice on the roads. i sound like a broken record, but he's not even listening to me...or his Moms. the neighbor was livid, and said she meets him on our road all the time and is always terrified by his driving. i guess she really let him have it. welcome to the neighborhood right? oh well, life is good anyway... its just a freakin car. it could have been so much worse i guess.
You so funny!!! I had to keep trying.