So I hardly write at all anymore, except that I have to finish a scene in 2 hours. My playwright's workshop is today, and of course I've put off finishing this week's scene until now - and I'm not even writing it now! I need more coffee. I need inspiration. The scene takes place in a dive-bar in Arizona . . . Maybe I should start drinking for inspiration . . . Well, if that's what it takes, godammit!!
More Blogs
Tuesday Sep 16, 2008
Sitting here early morning pre-sunrise, pre-babies laughing/crying/sq… -
Saturday Jul 19, 2008
I am so sick of Florida. I just want to go back to the desert and th… -
Thursday Jun 26, 2008
I'm needing something. Something more, and something less. Maybe mo… -
Monday Jun 23, 2008
The best white comedian of his generation. George Carlin - Rest in P… -
Friday May 16, 2008
It's Friday, thank God, and my project team is going out for a morale… -
Thursday May 08, 2008
So I watched Children of the Grave last night on the Sci-Fi channel, … -
Tuesday Jan 29, 2008
It's the new year. The last one's been amazing, and the twins turned… -
Sunday Dec 09, 2007
I don't talk much. It's been near a year since I writen anything… -
Friday Dec 15, 2006
Thank God it's flippin' Friday. Brutal week at work, again, and it h… -
Monday Dec 11, 2006
Today might not be so bad after all. Somebody, anybody, tell me what…