first off happy bunny day!

so here i am on another sunday feeling drained (band practice!) full (dam my girl can cook a ham!) and content. im being dragged into a future that isnt bad, but the fact im being dragged is making me want to give the bird and un for the hills. god im a stubern boy! im playing catch up at school...
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Why does every one eat ham on Easter?
Shouldn't we eat rabbits?
End eggs?

Mmm...rabbit omelette.

[Edited on Apr 20, 2003]
i really hate that feeling of wanting to write but not knowing what to write about, that happens to me all the time. it's ridiculous.
don't worry about where your life is leading you. just go with it unless your really against what's happening and it will all work out right in the end. things always happen for a reason.
im fucking pensive, with a twist of anger and a dash of angst. i dunno why, im geting good job offers, school is goin kinda crappy, but whats new?, and i know im going to be a dad (no more wild nghts? bah like i ever had them!) its just some feeling, like something bads gonna happen, and there aint sht i can do about...
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what are you talking about...you can still have wild nights after the kid is born...it's called a BABYSITTER! smile (not having wild nights with the baby sitter, but you know what i mean). all that music you're listening to is great.
oh yeah, and don't worry about something bad happening. even if something does it will all work out in the end.
A boring twat is better than no twat at all...

life is good, my girl got back from new mexico today, and dam was i happy to see her. i guess her dad gave her the "very, vey, disapointed speach". she had to keep me from going in to his house and kicking his arse!

the band is really getting geared up for the up coming stand of shows! the new songs are really coming...
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glad that you're able to be near your girlfriend again. it's always nice to see people after they've been gone for a while.
woot got a new computer today............wow!
oooh...what kind? i'm hoping maybe get a laptop this summer, it would be great to be able to take one with me to britain in january.
well time for me to frown for a while,
Chandras of to New Mexico for the week end with her dad frown . So I'll probably call Mr. Stonebender and see whats up with him (what is up with you? lol). Ive got mad job leads (god i love applying for jobs on-line!). and school is school. so yeah...

as for some answers, Mason is a...
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haha, only 18??
oh yeah only 18, my boy will become a increadable hockey star, and support my lazy arse till im good and dead lol!
ok heres whats going on...
yup, my g/f is pregnent and were super happy!
her mom is psychedbiggrin , here dad wants death argh mad
my sister is being really suportive smile , and my dad and brother aint gonna find out till early june wink .
if its a boy i get to name him... Mason
if its a girl she gets the name ... Orion
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Congrats! I like Orion so I hope it's a girl!! Plus girls are better!! biggrin
Okay, all I have to say is this, one way or another, if its a boy or a girl, the childs name had to be Lee, one because it goes with anything, and 2 because its my middle name, and you cool like that, and want my middle name apart of it....LOL
ok 1st jer if you read this keep this in your pocket, im not ready for all the peeps to know yet, but i have to write it down, and see this for my self!

im going to be a dad. holy fucking crap. jesus christ on a crutch, ill be a sonof(insert explitive).

and the wierd part! im soooooooooooooooo psyched!!!!!

ok thats all i...
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woo hoo!!!!
congrats! i'm sure you'll be a great dad. smile
Cool dude!
whats good...
im getting into the school groove finally.
things are soooooooo good with chandra.
got my taxes all ready to out in the mailbox.
the band is rolling and ready to go for our prime time slots!
i have friends that are good to me and give kind words of incouragement (thanks stone and web!)

whats bad...
i havent been righting like i need...
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I want to hear your band's stuff sometime. Hook me up!
insecuritys are getting the best of me. frozen into inactivity, and swimming in my pool of denial. "sure its all going to work our", and " maybe if i turn to one of my distractions, i wont see the problem, that will steam roll my ass, into a pancake .................. or maybe a belgian waffel!" seem to be the ever present symptoms.

in this horrible...
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don't have some idea of what you're suppossed to be, just let yourself become who you are.
another week = another sunday. kicked down some good grooves with the band. spent some quality time with the girl. im trying desperatly to get motivated for home work, and instead im typing here! hehehe. so here are some words...

i still look back and lament
what we did, what we made...
a mess,
but not just any mess.
one that destroyed the fabric
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