ive been contenplating the layers of reality that make up our exsistance. like when you share a moment a moment with someone, and theres the moment that you look into thier eyes, then theres the moment when you know your your looking into that persons eyes, and you see them thinking about the same thing and the moment you shared disapears. or dreaming, is this all a dream and when you "sleep" are you entering reality, or just another dimension of reality? theres all the different moments that people share and the different personalitys one will expose with that peticular person and another with some one else! sigh what is real when it comes to peoples personalitys and for that matter the world that we preceive. shit i dunno. all i know is it makes my head hurt.
well in the " real world", i had a great time at school tonight, and had some of the most earth shatering sex (you know the kind you fantisize about, but your sure that kind of stuff never really happens) ive ever had. im really starting to come to the conclussion that my woamn makes all the others in the world pale in comparision. so oh god im using gay emotioncons, thats a sign i better get the hell away from this. and just to end on a down note, in general i feel very small in this universe, with no idea how to fill that void that exsists. soooooooo
well in the " real world", i had a great time at school tonight, and had some of the most earth shatering sex (you know the kind you fantisize about, but your sure that kind of stuff never really happens) ive ever had. im really starting to come to the conclussion that my woamn makes all the others in the world pale in comparision. so oh god im using gay emotioncons, thats a sign i better get the hell away from this. and just to end on a down note, in general i feel very small in this universe, with no idea how to fill that void that exsists. soooooooo
we are made of many different bones, organs. our skin is made up of millions and billions of cells. each cell is made up of so many atoms, we are made of almost an infinate amout of protons, neutrons, and electrons. we have a lot. we have galaxies in our eyes, ears, hearts. but extend that outward, we are so much but we are so little. there are how many, 5 billion people on the planet? our solar system is one of the smallest ones we have found. there are so many galaxies out there. what is the meaning of it all? the number of stars in the sky at night. how far away they are. why conciousness? why do we have moral law? a question... do you believe in god?
i am like you, it all makes my head hurt. so many possiblities. disclaimer: i am stupid, dont listen to anything i just wrote down, cuz i am just stupid. or am i a genious? yeah, anyways....its weird where a stream of conciousness will take you.
Just remember what Jake said right before he let go of the rail.."Go now, there are other worlds then these"
And you know what, Roland did...