Well it has been ages since I updated this, but that is not that suprising. Well the past few weeks have been intresting. I had to break down and get a new computer, my old one was pissing me off to much. Not sure what was blown up on it and didn't want to fuck with it any more. sucks that I had to get a kind of cheap one, but it works, and since it can play NWN II I shouldn't bithh to much.
The job front is pissing me off again, they have canceled our work from home status. Which means that starting in Jan I have a four hour round trip to work to look forward to. I think I need to look for a new job, or I get to move back to Lansing, which might not be a bad thing I could try to go back to school, this time I might not even drink my self out of it.
Well that is all for now I need to attempt to sleep.
The job front is pissing me off again, they have canceled our work from home status. Which means that starting in Jan I have a four hour round trip to work to look forward to. I think I need to look for a new job, or I get to move back to Lansing, which might not be a bad thing I could try to go back to school, this time I might not even drink my self out of it.
Well that is all for now I need to attempt to sleep.
and give them the finger and find a new job