I'm so sick. i went out with todd and jacob and andrew on saturday night. i wish i had pictures. we went to the dallas music festivle and saw some local metal. but the fun part was sitting in the car drinkin beer and catching up with old friends. except for the part when i got intentionaly burnt with a cigarette .... very confusing for me.
so now i'm sick with whatever's been going around. it's gunna be a looong week.
went and saw sideways.GREAT movie go check it.
got a box of jasmine tea for a laaate birthday present.
didn't do anthing for valentines day. and feelin alright about it
i need chicken soup
so now i'm sick with whatever's been going around. it's gunna be a looong week.
went and saw sideways.GREAT movie go check it.
got a box of jasmine tea for a laaate birthday present.
didn't do anthing for valentines day. and feelin alright about it

i need chicken soup

Your new roomate does excellent artwork. If it's what she loves to do. Tell her to stick with it. It could take her farhter then she thinks. As for your old room mate. She should cut bait and get the hell out of that situation before finds herself receiving more then she bargained for.
As for you, I like your profile & your very cute. You'll have to get some learthers and do a photo shoot with your bass!

Thanks for the encouragement.