Do you ever find yourself "realiziing" things by having a dream about it? I'm not gunna go all deep in detail, but I had this weird ass dream about something that's been bugging me, and I guess while I've known for a while what the issue was, and how to solve it and shit, I just never wanted to accept it. But then, I go and have a dream about it, and decide to say fuck it.
Life's too short, people suck too much, and there;s not a whole lot that's really worth living for. I guess when you find something good, hang onto it. And when it turns out it actually sucks, and you just didn't know it? Fuck it. Go get drunk and forget about it. At least, that's what I've decided I'm gunna do.
Life's too short, people suck too much, and there;s not a whole lot that's really worth living for. I guess when you find something good, hang onto it. And when it turns out it actually sucks, and you just didn't know it? Fuck it. Go get drunk and forget about it. At least, that's what I've decided I'm gunna do.