Today was funny...
We took my best friend's boyfriend to get his eyeborws threaded (he's got a bushy unibrow...) He acted like "Oh, this doesn't hurt..." Moments later "OW SHIT FUCK! GOD DAMNIT THAT HURTS!!! shit!"
...I like to watch people wriggle in pain
Then the little Indian woman motioned for me to get my eyebrows threaded and I yelled at her "You ain't touchin' me!"
Oh yea...I succombed to the dark side...I joined myspace...dude71121...
Oh well.
We took my best friend's boyfriend to get his eyeborws threaded (he's got a bushy unibrow...) He acted like "Oh, this doesn't hurt..." Moments later "OW SHIT FUCK! GOD DAMNIT THAT HURTS!!! shit!"
...I like to watch people wriggle in pain

Then the little Indian woman motioned for me to get my eyebrows threaded and I yelled at her "You ain't touchin' me!"
Oh yea...I succombed to the dark side...I joined myspace...dude71121...

Oh well.
Getting your eyebrows threaded is the worst pain! Waxxing doesn't hurt near as much. Tell him to wax next time!
I'll tell his g/f that. I was just laughing so much...