so this weekend i had a mental break famliy is the most dramatic family i am living with my dad for now....he is married to this lady(that can be cool sometimes) but when ever she gets mad she pretends you dont if you say hi she doesnt reply and shit.....her daughter does the same fucking to piss her off this time i forgot to take the FUCKING dog to get a i already feel werid here cause it isnt my house....then they start their "you dont exist" shit and it pisses me off.....then there is my mom she is in a bad finicial situation right now....and when ever i have extra money it goes to her....but im out of a job so now i cant give her money....and neither her or my little sister are happy about that.....but you know im the DAUGHTER here not the mother.......then there is always the broken heart i try to hide....and most of the time do very well.....but all these things added up on saturday....and i left....i put as much stuff in my car as possible and started driving.......i got all the way to AL when i decided to turn back....cause the thing i was heading towards was one of the reasons im having this "mental breakdown" so i decide to go chill with my friend Ash for the weekend not answering any phone calls as to make people worry......and you wanna know the funny part im the least dramatic person in my family

Why? Because Lenore said...
and you wouldn't want to piss her off......