so its 9:14 pm and me and my sister and her dog are all in her walk in closet with a mattress up against the door cause there are tornado watches till 5 am and there have been warnings off and on all day......stupid hurricane!!!!!!
they are already saying that there is another hurricane on the way named Ivan.......this shit is fucking gay.......i havent showered in like 2 days cause power is out and it just came back on and now its lighting.......and stupid work is open tomorrow!!!!!!!!! on the plus side all my family is alive and well......(without power) i took some pics if they turn out i will post them........

they are already saying that there is another hurricane on the way named Ivan.......this shit is fucking gay.......i havent showered in like 2 days cause power is out and it just came back on and now its lighting.......and stupid work is open tomorrow!!!!!!!!! on the plus side all my family is alive and well......(without power) i took some pics if they turn out i will post them........
Thats why you and black ass need to come live in the great ladn locked state of Utah

So yeah I've talked to his ass about that too