Been a long ass time since i've updated!
We'll since finals were over, which actually went pretty well, i've been working... and working. I've also been trying to get to the dunes as often as possible to ride my new dirtbike which my parents helped my buy for my birthday (i'm spoiled and i know it!).
I was screwing around on it today gave a little too much throttle and by the time i got to the back brake it was a little late=) As a result my arm is pretty scraped up and my ankle hurts like a bitch. Lesson learned today? Wear my frigging riding gear and don't show off=)
After putting in several 40+ hour work weeks i'm ready to head back to kfalls and put some time into the classroom instead bleh.
Enough rambling for now, off to bed i say!
We'll since finals were over, which actually went pretty well, i've been working... and working. I've also been trying to get to the dunes as often as possible to ride my new dirtbike which my parents helped my buy for my birthday (i'm spoiled and i know it!).
I was screwing around on it today gave a little too much throttle and by the time i got to the back brake it was a little late=) As a result my arm is pretty scraped up and my ankle hurts like a bitch. Lesson learned today? Wear my frigging riding gear and don't show off=)
After putting in several 40+ hour work weeks i'm ready to head back to kfalls and put some time into the classroom instead bleh.
Enough rambling for now, off to bed i say!
Glad finals went well. I got a 4.0 for the year. That will probably change now that I am in the nursing program. This shit is hard! Hope you have a good summer.