Haven't updated in a couple weeks since i have been extremely busy.
First it was finals, I checked my grades today and am happyish with them=)
The weekend before finals I decided that i would accompany a person i know from the dorms to go visit my brother at Linfield. Worst decision evar, well letter her drive was anyways. Shakes fist at bad girl drivers. Ok bad boy drivers too, but i don't like shaking my fist at myself too often, i get weird looks.
About three miles outside of oakridge she over corrected a couple times and we ended up on the other side of the highway, flipped over going off the embankment into a bunch of trees. Amazingly enough, though traveling 60 miles an hour, none of us were seriously hurt ( i wasn't in the least bit).
First it was finals, I checked my grades today and am happyish with them=)
The weekend before finals I decided that i would accompany a person i know from the dorms to go visit my brother at Linfield. Worst decision evar, well letter her drive was anyways. Shakes fist at bad girl drivers. Ok bad boy drivers too, but i don't like shaking my fist at myself too often, i get weird looks.
About three miles outside of oakridge she over corrected a couple times and we ended up on the other side of the highway, flipped over going off the embankment into a bunch of trees. Amazingly enough, though traveling 60 miles an hour, none of us were seriously hurt ( i wasn't in the least bit).
I am a way better driver then I used to be and I used to pass trucks in really dangerous situations and almost get hit head on... I don't do that anymore
Glad last term went ok for you. I got straight A's. hee hee
The pressure would normally be off for grades, but I am applying for a million scholarships and the better grades the better chance so... Pressures back on!
I am really wonderding who the people are that I am going to be taking every single class with for the next two years straight. I hope I like some of them, or that a few like me...
We will see.
I think I will get along with my fellow students, it's just the dental hygiene people I can't stand (with the exception of one)