Hooooly crap, I feel so crummy this morning X_x My body's all sore and stiff and my head feels weird. Fabulous way to start a homework day :\

Went to an SG party last night at Ruby Skye with a friend. Was totally disappointed :\ On the plus side, the music was bad-ass and my friend and I had fun dancing together, but I had...
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*dusts off her page on SG*

So yeah. Hi guys tongue

Last two semesters have been INSANE. This Spring sucked ass 'cause I had such a heavy workload. Pretty much didn't leave my apartment except for food and class-related things. But it's done! W00t! Summer school starts in two or three weeks XD;;

Three people I knew died this year in the span of like, three...
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WOOT for breaking hooters! I think that deserves a pic tho...
XDDD They will come in time. I'll try to get my friend to take photos of me in it some time this weekend tongue
I'm not dead, I swear >.>;;; Just... mostly dead.

UHM. My health has kinda taken a nose dive to where I have to get shots every few months for a while and I have to get check ups every three months to make sure stuff hasn't gotten worse. That alone has kinda knocked me on my ass and made it to where I don't want...
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Though SOME people (*coughladyjanedizastorcough*) need to convert to the SFness tongue

heheeeee wink

sweet grrl, i'm sorry you're going through the health blues. frown
on the other hand i am DAMN PROUD of you & your straight A's!!!!!!! eeek biggrin !!!!
good luck with Pixar & no worries on post-graduation. somehow, i know you'll be just fine. smile

happy thanksgiving, luv! kiss

p.s. i am stealing "Drama Llama" for my own coolness factor.

Bah, my whole life is nothing but health blues. I'm waiting for a limb to fall off next tongue

Fah, I don't even graduate for another two yrs, and I'm already super freaked out XD;;; Internships make me even more nervous, argh.

You too! <333 I hope you had a good one :3

Ahahahaaa, use the phrase well, hun wink
Okay, SO, hopefully my life is done falling apart now plz.

One good thing, well, two good things, is that the summer semester is over. My final about near killed me, BUT I ended up getting an A- on it <333


Tadaaa :E

Looots of other drama involving fucked up family politics that make me wanna tear my fucking hair out. Sooo tired of...
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that is the most original mandala i has ever seen. biggrin
hey girl, hang in there. and yeah, you deserve support not b.s.
good luck with school!!!
/hugs kiss
...hey there smile
hope your fall semester is all rock & roll kiss
HEEEE, my portrait that I pretty much broke myself on last weekend, not only did I get an A- (I fixed some minor stuff) BUT my teacher wants to display it in one of the school buildings biggrinbiggrinbiggrin I'm SO excited <333 I've never had my art displayed here before X3 *wiggles*


Spent 30+ hrs on it, matted it myself, and it's pretty big. I...
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Thanks! Now if I can just seem to keep her from getting towed again, I'll be cool.

Oh yea, and the not getting hit and killed thing!
So yeah, my birthday last week ROCKED biggrin My tattoo came out so fucking glorious, I couldn't have asked for better X3 Though now it, and my other that was touched up at the same time, itches like a ho and is starting to peel >.o I keep waking up in the middle of the night 'cause I'm rubbing my feet on my blankets XD;; Oops....
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Tomorrow's my birthday and I'm SO FUCKING EXCITED XDDDD

Meeting Lauren down at Kiki's around 11, then after that we're heading back to my dorm to watch Princess Bride (if we have time). Then we're meeting Kelly downtown to catch Muni to the tattoo shop where I'll be getting my second tattoo and my first touched up <33333 I can't fucking wait XDDD After that,...
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(X-posted from my LJ yesterday morning)

O.m.g. Last night was RETARDED. (And I have the pictures to prove most of it XP)

Jesus christ, Stephany and I spent HRS trying to convince Meghan to come with us. We dressed her up and eeeverything. The whole time she was complaining though 'cause she didn't wanna go, but instead of saying no, she gave in, and just......
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What a week XDDD This has been a rather good week though, surprisingly enough.

For Fourth of July, I went to Lafayette Park with a bunch of people from my dorm and the dorm next door. Lots of photos from that that I still need to sort. We all sat around talking about whatever and drinking XDDD Lots of fun though. Got to meet some...
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I made an appt for next Friday, the 13th, at 4p to get my tattoo biggrinbiggrinbiggrin I have a consult this Friday at noon with the artist. I am SO FUCKING EXCITED <33333 Can't wait to get new ink X3 *wiggles*